Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Remove duplicate infinite integer


You are given an infinite stream of integers. The stream of integers is unsorted and are provided by iterator so that you don't have the access to all the elements at once. You have to return another iterator from the input iterator so that there are no duplicates and the input order is maintained.


We will use binary search tree to have a O(n log n) solution. Each number is inserted into an inner binary search tree and if no previous existence found, it is added to output stream. The output iterator always prepare the next element beforehand so that hasNext and next does not disagree. When the input iterator finishes so does the output. This has worst case complexity of O(n^2) for a sorted input sequence, we can improve this by any of the balanced search tree like red black tree.


import java.util.Iterator;

public class RemoveDuplicateBST
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Iterator inputIterator = new InputIterator(30);
  Iterator outputIterator = new OutputIterator(inputIterator);
  while (outputIterator.hasNext())
   System.out.println("\t<<" + outputIterator.next());

 private static class InputIterator implements Iterator
  int count;

  public InputIterator(int count)
   this.count = count;

  public boolean hasNext()
   return count != 0;

  public Integer next()
   int input = (int) (Math.random() * 30);
   System.out.println(">>" + input);
   return input;

  public void remove()


 private static class OutputIterator implements Iterator
  Iterator inputIterator;
  Integer nextElement;
  Node root;

  public OutputIterator(Iterator inputIterator)
   this.inputIterator = inputIterator;
   if (inputIterator.hasNext())
    nextElement = inputIterator.next();
    if (nextElement != null)

  private boolean add(int value)
   return add(root, value);

  private boolean add(Node current, int value)
   Node node = new Node(value);
   if (current == null)
    root = node;
    return true;
   if (current.value == value)
    return false;
   if (current.value > value)
    if (current.left == null)
     current.left = node;
     return true;
    } else
     return add(current.left, value);
   } else
    if (current.right == null)
     current.right = node;
     return true;
    } else
     return add(current.right, value);

  public boolean hasNext()
   return nextElement != null;

  public Integer next()
   int output = nextElement;
   nextElement = null;
   while (inputIterator.hasNext())
    int input = inputIterator.next();
    if (add(input))
     nextElement = input;
   return output;

  public void remove()


 private static class Node
  int value;
  Node left;
  Node right;

  public Node(int value)
   this.value = value;


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