Sunday, 20 September 2015

Find loop in linked list


Given a linked list find whether the list is looped or not. A linked list is looped when one of the nodes point to any one of its previous nodes or itself. Also find the length of the loop and the starting point of the loop.


We take two pointers, one slow, which moves one node at a time and another fast, which moves two nodes at a time. Both the pointers start from head. If the linked list is not looped. fast pointer will hit null pointer. If they meet, that means the linked list is looped. If it is looped then both the pointers are at some point in the loop. We keep one fixed and move another pointer in the loop till both of them meet again. In this way we will find the length of the loop. Now we take both the pointer to the head and move the fast pointer 'loop length' ahead of the slow pointer. Then we again move them one node at a time till they meet. As the fast pointer is 'loop length' ahead of the slow pointer, when slow pointer reaches starting of the loop fast will also reach there after completing one loop. So when these two pointers meet that point will be the starting point of the loop.


public class LinkedListWithLoop
 public static void main(String[] args)
  Node head = new Node(1);
  Node middle = head.append(2).append(3).append(4).append(5);
  Node tail = middle.append(6).append(7).append(8).append(9).append(10)
    .append(11); = middle;

 private static void findLoopInformation(Node head)
  Node slowPointer = head;
  Node fastPointer = head;
  boolean isLooped = false;
  while (fastPointer != null && != null)
   slowPointer =;
   fastPointer =;
   if (slowPointer == fastPointer)
    isLooped = true;
  if (isLooped)
   System.out.println("Linkedlist is looped");
   fastPointer =;
   int count = 1;
   while (slowPointer != fastPointer)
    fastPointer =;
   System.out.println("Loop length = " + count);
   slowPointer = head;
   fastPointer = head;
   while (count-- > 0)
    fastPointer =;
   while (slowPointer != fastPointer)
    slowPointer =;
    fastPointer =;
   System.out.println("Loop starting point = " + slowPointer.value);
  } else
   System.out.println("Linkedlist is NOT looped");

 private static class Node
  public Node next;
  public int value;

  public Node(int value)
   this.value = value;

  public Node append(int value)
   Node node = new Node(value);
   next = node;
   return node;


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